Wed. Mar 12th, 2025


If you have a limited amount of money to put into your network marketing business and you are looking for “1” strategy that can help you dominate your niche, then Article Marketing will serve you well. The strategies that I’m going to layout for you will allow you to use Article Marketing to Dominate Your Niche and will only require you to purchase “1” piece of software. This software is used by Elite Article Marketers and will allow you to compete with them when it comes to marketing your business opportunity. You can get a 90 Day Money Back Guarantee, but once you start using this software, you will not want to be without this valuable marketing resource.

Article Marketing Strategy Step 1: Get a Blog – If you don’t have your own blog I highly recommend that you starting your own WordPress Blog. Search engines like blogs because there is new content constantly being added and this will help you get higher search engine rankings. Your blog is going to be the central point for all your marketing efforts. When you write a new article you’re going to post it on your blog first and then make some minor changes and submit it to the article directories and link back to article on your blog. This will give you back-links from the article directories and also help your blog and the article get higher search engine rankings. Over time this will generate free traffic to your website.

Article Marketing Strategy Step 2: Ad Content to Your Blog – Now that you have your blog set up it’s now time to create the content articles to add to your blog. If you don’t have any ideas of what to write about, here are a few suggestions:

1. Interview a leader in your Network Marketing Company and post the interview

2. Write three to five success tips about how to be successful with you business opportunity

3. Write about new network marketing companies (you can do a search for NPROS and subscribe to their News Updates via email and get emailed about new network marketing companies and do a review of these new companies. Reviews of new companies get a lot of attention. My recommendation is to be positive and be honest in your review.

4. Write about leaders in other network marketing companies.

5. Write about Systems used by other network marketing companies.

You want to be focused in your articles and do not try to get ranked for too many keywords. An example would be this article that is focused on “Article Marketing Strategies to Dominate Your Niche”

Article Marketing Strategy Step 3: Submit Your Content to Article Directories – The software that I spoke about earlier is called Automatic Article Submitter and it is an awesome piece of software that allows you to automatically create and confirm your accounts to 100s of article directories; allows you to spin your article with a dictionary of 20K+ related words; conduct keyword analysis, and much more. If you were to do all of this yourself it would take you days or weeks just to set up your accounts with the article directories and you would still have to do all the other work that you can do with the push of a button with Automatic Article Submitter. Your article summary and author resource box will probably be the hardest things that you have to do inside the software and they are very easy to do if you have submitted an article to EzineArticles or one of the other article directories.

Article Marketing Strategy Step 4: Link to Your Blog from Article Directories – In your resource box inside your article in Automatic Article Submitter you have two chances to link back to your blog or another website or video you may make about your article. You do this by using anchor text which is the clickable text that takes you to a website or a YouTube video that you already have posted. This serves two purposes, one it gives you a link back to your blog from the article directory that it’s posted in and it gives you a link to a YouTube video (again this is only if you have a YouTube video that you made about the topic of your article, this is the link you want to encourage prospects to click on because it should have content that is different from the article and not the link going back to the article on your blog your blog). Once you have everything as you want it, now it’s time to create variations within your article using the submission software. You can create variations in your title, words, and whole sentences throughout your article. Once you have all the variations within your article, you are ready to submit it to the article directories. Make sure you become very familiar with the software so that you get the best use out of it.

Article Marketing Strategy Step 5: Commit to Writing an Article a Day for 90 Days – To get the benefits from article marketing that you desire, you need to commit to submitting one article a day for the next 90 days. Use these Article Marketing Strategies to Dominate your Niche or any niche that you want to dominate, and you will always be able to generate leads to your network marketing opportunity.


Source by Steven Dobson

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