Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

What Is Unlock Your Hip Flexors?

It is exactly what it sounds like – a program that can help you strengthen and loosen your hip flexors.

But first, I should probably begin with explain what hip flexors are.

Also known as psoas, your hip flexors are a group of muscles located around your hip area. They make it possible for you to move your legs upwards, and by extension allowing you to walk, run, and keep your posture, among many other forms of movement.

Basically they are responsible for letting you move around as you want, when you want, without pain.

When not exercised, these muscles become tight and limit our movements and mobility. That’s a normal phenomenon with all muscles, if they are not stretched out sufficiently they start losing their function slowly over time. Additionally, they become prone to wear and tear; the slightest strain can cause a huge injury.

Considering the crucial role that your hip flexors play, it is really important to exercise them regularly and prevent them from becoming tight. Otherwise, the consequences might be worse than you realized.


What Causes Tight Hip Flexors?

Your psoas tightens when you don’t exercise them appropriately or in the right amounts. While this usually happens to all muscles, the difference is that hip flexors are responsible for supporting your whole trunk. That makes them extremely important to your overall physical health. If left alone, you’ll experience issues all over your body, not just in your hips and pelvic area.

One of the biggest problems with the modern lifestyle is that we spend so much of our time seated. From driving, sitting in class, behind a desk, or down at a table while catching up with friends over a meal. It’s too much.

This bad habit has resulted in us not using, and strengthening the muscles we need to support our bodies. You know the saying, if you don’t use it, you lose it. This is exactly what happens with the muscle strength we need and rely upon. They become stiff and it becomes even more difficult to move around. Which results in us sitting more.

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