Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Clickbank Submitter Software is your tool for automatically submit your affilliate links to a large number of FREE online services, tools and directories.

This is a great way to add and update your clickbank affilliate links to the most popular whois records, databases, web tools and business directories online today.

All directories are search engine friendly and checked for quality assurance. Test It Now For FREE!!!

Are you making money in the Clickbank affiliate program?
Is it easy for you to get traffic to your affilliate links?

Now it is possible and really easy with only 1 click.


Do you want to see your Clickbank traffic chart cligming higher? – This is the best and faster software tool to achieve that goal.
Download the software now and test it for free for 3 days. No credit card or any payment method required!



Let me tell you a secret:

Not only you will get traffic to your Clickbank account, but becuase the software allows you to run any Clickbak Id … Do you understand what is that mean?

If you didn’t … I will help you …

You can make money by offerring other Clickbank affilliates to get traffic for them by using this software. They don’t have to know how you do it!
Now … Do you understand? 🙂

Install the software and send a request for free 3 days trial with your software activating code
and you will be able to run it in less than 48 hours from your request time.
You will get a reply noticing you that your software is active.

The software is a malware free and clean, checked by most of antivirus softwares.


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ClickBank Submitter Software – Free 3 Days Trial
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 Get  ClickBank  CB
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If you need help with a specific issue and want me to personally take a look at your setup, I can help! Check out the ‘My Services’ section of my blog:

Putting the Facebook pixel into ClickBank: 0:21

1st way to check pixel is working: 1:53

2nd way to check pixel is working: 3:57

3rd way to check pixel is working: 4:35

Hey all!

In this video, I show you how to input your Facebook pixel into ClickBank so that you can track sales and conversions!

The process is pretty simple – all we need to do is copy our Facebook pixel ID and paste it into the ClickBank integrated sales reporting form. You will have to do it twice, once for the order form and the other for the order form confirmation. The order form page will have the event ‘initiate checkout’ and the order form confirmation will have the event ‘purchase’ on your Facebook conversion tracking. The process is similar to what we have done before with our ClickMagick tracking link ( or Google AdWords conversion tracking (

After you do that, we have 3 ways to check to make sure the pixel is installed properly.

1) The pixel should show ‘fired’ on your pixel Facebook manager. It may not show the little spike, but it should have a date written on it saying that pixel was fired at this time.

2) Install a little Google Chrome extension called ‘Facebook pixel helper’. It should show you whether there is a pixel on a particular page. When you click on it, it should show you YOUR pixel ID number and either ‘initiate checkout’ if you are on the order form page, or ‘purchase’ on the order form confirmation page.

3) We can right-click and select the option ‘view page source’ on the page we want to check. This is basically what our Facebook pixel helper is checking for us already. But we can always double check. Once you see the page source, open your ‘find toolbar’ (such as control+F on Windows) and type in the word ‘facebook’. This should take you straight to the place where the Facebook pixel is input. You should also see a little extra at the end of your code saying something like ‘ev=initiatecheckout’ or ‘ev=purchase’ if on the order form confirmation page. This tells the pixel what the event is that we are tracking.

That’s it!

Like my Facebook page!

If you are interested in ClickFunnels, or want to learn more, feel free to check out their free 14-day trial under my affiliate link at:

If you like GetResponse and want to learn more, try out their 30-day free trial under my affiliate link at:

If you are interested in ClickMagick, or want to learn more, feel free to check out their free 14-day trial under my affiliate link at:

Here is my Namecheap affiliate link as well if you want to buy one of their really cheap domains and/or private email:

Thanks for watching, and I’ll see you in the next video!


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