The reason why no stroller is perfect
The heavier ones tend to be more durable, glide more smoothly, and deal better with bumpy terrain, but they are cumbersome in narrow aisles, small trunks, and flights of stairs. Lighter strollers are easier to carry, lift, and store, but it can be tough to go off-roading with them. There are two strategies for dealing with this trade-off between weight and ease of glide: get an all-purpose stroller that’s a good compromise, or get different strollers for different situations. But before you make that decision, let’s talk stroller budgets.
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An all-purpose stroller can really cost anything between $160 – $1,225. With such a huge range of choices, how do you decide how much is worth spending? Think about how much time you spend walking in your everyday life. The more of a walker you are, the more it’s worth spending on your stroller!
A lightweight stroller can cost you anywhere from $25 – $300, and our Babylist favorites range from $140 – $200. If you’re only going to use your lightweight stroller once in awhile (say, when you travel) go for the cheaper end of the range. If you are going to use your lightweight stroller every day, go towards the higher end of the range, so it will last.you are, the more it’s worth spending on your stroller!
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Jogging strollers need to be big and strong to keep baby safe when running. That drives the price up to $380 – $800+. So what should you spend? It’s all about whether the stroller will actually motivate you to jog. In its own way, exercise is priceless. A typical gym membership is $40 – $50 per month. If your jogging stroller replaces your gym, it’s saving you money in the long run!
Double strollers are also pricier than single strollers. The ones we carry go from $300 – $650. Buying an additional seat to convert your single stroller into a double will typically be around $150 depending on brand. That’s much cheaper than buying a brand-new double stroller. However, only a few single strollers have the capacity to expand to double strollers. For more on strollers that grow with your family, see the next section.