Wed. Mar 12th, 2025


Social Media is the worlds most popular way to connect with people. More than a billion people use Facebook as a way and means to stay connected with friends and business associates. Here I will discuss how you can maximize your Article Marketing strategies using social media marketing.

What is Social Media?

Most people think of social media as a way for teenagers to share photos with one another over the web. This used to be my view of it until I noticed that ‘most’ of the biggest names in the world have a Facebook page. Now I asked myself, why on earth would someone like Richard Branson, and even President Obama, use Facebook? Remember what I said about over 1 billion people at the start of this article? Well, that is the answer. If a sixth of the earth’s population is there, then you need to be there too.

How Can Social Media Help?

When you post a status update to your timeline on Facebook, your followers get a new post in their newsfeed. You did not have to pay for that advertising, that is how social media works. When you yourself log into your Facebook account, you will notice Facebook posts your newsfeed with relevant articles and posts which you have shown an interest in. Facebook keeps tabs on where you have been whilst using their application, and updates your newsfeed with relevant information.

Here is the key.

Facebook likes and encourages you to keep your page fresh with new status updates. This helps to keep users on their application, with new content, any of this sound familiar? So by updating your newsfeed on a regular basis, like two or three times per day, you will be getting a lot of exposure to your followers.

Leverage the Facebook Like.

The like on your Facebook page also extends to your posts, you will notice a like button on each status update. This tells the users that there is what is called social approval. The more likes the more social approval the post has. This also extends to your page.

To get more likes use the Boost Post option. This is a paid service and will maximize your posts exposure.

Article Integration.

How can you integrate your article marketing strategies using Facebook? Here is a strategy that will work. After you have published your article on, post a link back to this article on your Facebook timeline. You can watch how much reach your post has from your timeline. Boost your post for more exposure. Create an ad on Facebook to encourage click through’s. Therefore gaining your article even more exposure. Facebook makes all of this really easy.

The Advantages of Linking Back To Your Article.

If you link back to your article, not just your website, you are building authority and trust in your brand. Reader’s will notice that you are serious about your business and appreciate the fact that you are sharing information, not just trying to sell them on something. This helps to build trust.

In Conclusion.

You are building brand awareness, trust, authority, specialization. All of this goes a long way in the world of the internet with so many people buying for your time. Using Social Media as a another Article Marketing Strategy helps to boost your exposure both on your social media platform and with your article publishing directory..


Source by Darren Breeze

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