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Dear Health Conscious Reader,
My name’s James Daniels, ex-insomniac, Paleo Diet follower and author of Paleo Sleep, the paleo-inspired sleep program that optimizes your sleep-wake cycle by realigning your body with Mother-Nature.
That’s me on the right with my wife Katy, and believe me, I look a lot healthier than I did 15 years ago.
In a nutshell, my program teaches you how to sleep like our caveman ancestors, which in the modern day means getting a healthy, deep, refreshing night’s sleep – every single night.
Whether you suffer from a couple of bad night’s sleep a week, you’re a seasoned insomniac like I was, or you simply want to optimize your sleep to better your health, increase energy levels, reduce chance of illness, hike your productivity levels, live longer and generally feel happier and more alive, my program WILL WORK wonders for you.
But first allow me just a few minutes to explain my story and how my real life battle with insomnia led me to develop this program. And just in case you’ve landed on this page thinking, “So, what’s a little lost sleep?” you’re about to find out why not sleeping enough poses serious health risks.
Just one night of missed or inadequate sleep is sufficient to make you as insulin resistant as a type 2 diabetic.~ Robb Wolf, author of The Paleo Solution
Consider how important diet is for repairing the body, warding off illness, preventing fatigue, and promoting longevity. I mean, these are just some of the reasons that sparked your interest in the Paleo in the first place, right?
Well, skimping on sleep has just as many serious health implications as eating a diet laden with processed sugars, dairy and gluten. Here’s 5 key risks you should be aware of:
Sleep deprivation has been linked to hypertension, increased stress hormone levels and irregular heartbeat.
Sleep deprivation alters immune function, including the activity of killer cells that fight off immunity, which means you are more likely to get sick with a serious illness.
Sleep deprivation affects the way the body stores and produces carbohydrates. This alters the activity of hormones that regulate appetite, causing us to crave more food.
Those with a sleep debt are 10x more likely to have an auto accident and other accidents in general. You are also more likely to make mistakes at work, which could be very serious if you are a doctor, pilot or machinery operator.
Lack of sleep affects mood. It makes us irritable and impatient and impairs concentration and focus. Being in this zone makes us unhappy and demoralized, affecting our relationships, work performance, exercise and eating habits. Stay like this for too long and depression can set in, causing you another huge health issue to deal with.
The long and short of it is that sleep is VITAL to our health, and not getting enough of it is a very serious risk.
I hit the wall of insomnia during my teens. I went through some stressful times, what with my parents breaking up, the stress of studies and the loss of a close friend.
By my twenties I was a walking zombie, which wasn’t helped by the fact that I was working nights to support my study. This compounded the existing sleep debt I’d built up, and by the time I was put on pills, I was at the door of mental and physical exhaustion.
Honestly, I thought I was going to die. That’s no exaggeration. I felt so unwell. I actually began to contemplate at what point the body would cease to function without sleep.
I was breathless, constantly fatigued, gaining weight, pale and suffering cold after cold.
The pills did put me to sleep, but as soon as I came off them I went right back to my old sleeping habits – a few hours a night, if that. I was totally lost, my body didn’t know when to sleep and could only sleep with meds. I was getting weaker and sicker.
I flunked college, lost my girlfriend and got depressed. I felt like crap and looked like crap.
I had to sort myself out before lack of sleep totally ruined my life. So I decided to take a stand, to take back control of my life and get a grip.
What the hell, I figured, I’m not sleeping anyway so why not use this time to try and crawl out of this ditch I’d gotten into.
In one inspirational act of defiance, I threw the sleeping pills down the toilet, went to the local library and began to use those sleepless nights to study.
I studied sleep through the ages and began comparing the way man lived 10,000 years ago to the way he lives today.
What I discovered was incredible.
Sleeping problems, as we know them today, only began to surface around 200-300 years ago; pretty much when man began living and eating dramatically differently to the way in which his body was used to.
Things got a whole lot worse when electricity came along, because man started sleeping at odd hours outside of his natural rhythm. And when the agricultural revolution took full pace, the changes to food, work and modern living that came with it began to seriously mess with our sleep.
And so here we are today, with 1 in 3 Americans suffering from some degree of insomnia, and 1 in 10 on sleeping pills.
It really is. I mean, how can something so natural have become so difficult for us?
Sleep is as natural as eating, and just as important to our health, yet we’ve neglected sleep so badly that we’ve drastically affected our health.
The knowledge I discovered led me to take drastic action. I began A-B testing my sleep, testing what effect particular aspects of lifestyle had on my sleep. My research uncovered six key areas that were affecting my sleep-wake cycle and causing insomnia, and quite simply, by improving these six core areas of my lifestyle and environment, I was able to cure myself of sleeplessness once and for all.
During my research, I learned about brain waves and how important the electrical currents of the brain are to the sleep process.
Brain waves must slow down in order for the brain to prepare to go to sleep, but because of our anti-sleep lifestyle, which includes artificial light, dietary stimulants and numerous brain-stimulating digital devices, the brain really struggles to slow down into low brain activity.
This is basically the primary cause of a bad night’s sleep; having an overactive brain at bedtime.
To help slow my brainwaves down, I began using special audio recordings called binaural beats. This is basically advanced meditation music that uses a process called ‘frequency response’ to entrain the brain into states of relaxation or deep concentration.
I first began experimenting with Theta frequency recordings, which produce a deeply relaxed state and are commonly used by meditators, and then with Delta recordings, which replicate the Delta wave production that happens in deep sleep. This began entraining my brain to release Delta waves around the time I wanted to go to sleep, enabling me to fall asleep faster and sleep deeper through the night.
By combining my six-step sleep methodology with this special music, not only did I start falling asleep faster and sleeping deeper, but I felt greater mental balance; less stressed, more productive and more focused during the day.
Needless to say I was overjoyed. I felt normal again. And after getting a solid 3-months sleep under my belt, my health completely restored itself.
I also managed to get another girlfriend (we’re now married), who, by the way, is Crossfit crazy, and responsible for finally getting me to commit 100% to the Paleo Diet, for which I am forever grateful!
Since my amazing discovery and recovery, nothing gives me greater pleasure than helping others who want to improve their sleep. And I want to offer you the same opportunity.
It’s so easy. All you have to do is commit to following my simple Six-Step program as it’s laid out in the book, and you’ll be sleeping better within 3 days.
The fact is, no matter how committed you are to the Paleo Diet, if you aren’t sleeping like our hunter-gather ancestors did, then you are neglecting your health and missing out on the benefits of the food you’re eating.
By combining my six-step program and special audios with your Paleo Diet today, I guarantee you’ll notice an improvement in your physical and mental performance within just 3 days.
I’ve been a great sleeper and now I know why! The book is extremely interesting in terms of learning why so many of us have trouble getting a good night’s sleep.
The methods are practical, easy to follow and completely in line with my paleo training. Better sleep has meant I am now able to workout longer and I feel sharper in the ring as a result.
I also listen to Primal Sleep post my workout in the evenings to settle my mind before bed, and I’ve been using Nature Mind on a Sunday to completely wind down. I totally recommend Paleo Sleep to anyone who wants to feel more energetic and alive!
“This Changed My Life” – Walter Barclay (Angel Investor)
When people ask me what’s the secret of your success, I usually say “no sleep!” Thing is, that isn’t a joke. I barely used to sleep at all, and things haven’t gotten much better with success.
I need my sleep to keep on top of my busy schedule, but having read your book I now realize that pretty much everything I was doing previously was working against my natural sleep cycle. I was depriving myself of sleep by expecting too much from my body.
Thanks to your advice I have developed a routine that complements my sleep. The audios are great and helping me relax a whole lot more. I’ve also made a number of dietary changes, including cutting out the sodas! Cheers buddy.
Managing my website and two children leaves me so tired, yet I used to have at least 2 nights a week when I’d take ages to de-stress and fall asleep, which meant getting just a few hours.
Using these magical audios I’m falling asleep faster than ever and sleeping all the way through the night. I feel a million dollars for it!
You know I love brainwave entrainment, and combining it with this good sleep hygiene stuff like is just awesome!
I’d never considered for a minute the way our ancestors slept thousands of years ago, but everything you say just makes perfect sense, and works!
The whole package rocks, from the book to the audios to the diet advice. I am loving my sleep right now and my productivity is through the roof! I recommend this to anyone who wants to improve their sleep. Amazing stuff dude!
“Faster Recovery” – Michael Hemmings (Gala Harriers)
As a senior member of the club, I have slowed down these last few years. I can’t train as much as I used to so I need every advantage I can get.
James’ advice has made a huge improvement to my sleep pattern and had a massive impact on my recovery time after running. My wife has been cooking me plenty of sleep-friendly foods from your book too. Thanks for the great advice.
Fall asleep within minutes of getting into bed.
Sleep undisturbed all the way through the night.
Sleep 7-8 hours every night.
Sleep through noise disturbance.
Sleep well even when sharing a bed.
Wake up feeling fully refreshed & raring to go!
You’ll get my bestselling Paleo Sleep book, containing the crucial Six-Step formula and 8 further chapters sharing my research on optimizing the natural sleep-wake cycle.
The book is stacked full of practical , easy-to-implement advice for addressing common problem sleep areas such as sleeping before stressful occasions, sharing a bed, air travel, napping, alcohol consumption and more.
The book is downloadable in PDF format, making it ultra-easy to share across all digital devices, including tablets, phones, laptops and desktop computers.
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Want to fall asleep fast and sleep deeply all the way through the night?
Primal Sleep promotes Delta wave production in the brain, assisting in slowing your brainwaves down and paving the way for deeper, longer sleep.
Listen up to 2-hours before sleep.
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Can’t stop thinking? Mind hopping around like a flea? Relax your overactive mind with this calming Theta frequency recording.
Listen to this blissful meditation music when you get home from work to start relaxing, or in the late evening to wind down and bring your mind to stillness before sleep.
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Been sleeping lightly lately? Waking up during the night? Deep Dreams is a Delta wave meditation designed to promote restful, deep sleep.
Listen up to 2-hours before you sleep to get those valuable 7-8 hours of healthy shut-eye.
The Paleo Sleep Diet Guide helps further optimize the health of your sleep through nutrition. Eat your way to better sleep by identify which foods are sleep-friendly and which foods have the potential to keep you awake at night.
The Paleo Sleep Diet Guide comes as a PDF Download format that’s compatible across all digital devices.
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Stressful day at the office? Too tense to sleep? Relax with this Theta Zone meditation whenever you need to let off some steam.
It’s calming properties are designed to massage your mind and clear a pathway for uninterrupted sleep. You can also use this audio at any other time you feel stressed or anxious.
What’s more, you’ll also receive a guide that’ll teach you more about the special binaural beats frequencies used in the audios, and how to get the most out of using this special music.
I’m so confident in Paleo Sleep and its ability to improve the quality of your sleep, that if your sleep hasn’t improved within 3-days, I’ll give you a full refund. No questions asked !
Here’s to great sleep and a healthy, long life!
P.S. If you any need any assistance with your purchase, please don’t hesitate to contact me by clicking here.
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