Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

How To Write Articles The Directory Editors Will Love

Learn 27 ways to write really good internet articles that will surely draw more traffic fo your websites when you choose to find some time to learn this course.


I’ve never seen anyone else mention this, but it’s important to note… It’s
important to give Editors what they want as they hold the “keys to the castle.”
If they don’t like your article, or if they break the “Terms and Conditions” set by
the directory, they won’t publish your article and all your effort will have been for
not. Here’s 7 tips to keep the Editors happy:

1. Submit good, “original content” articles (500-700 words long)
2. Make sure your titles and body content are keyword-rich
3. Don’t include “By: Author Name” in the title (save for Resource Box)
4. Make sure your article is informative… Not a sales pitch!
5. Format your article to 60 characters in width
6. Use a text editor to remove your word processor’s formatting
7. Let your text wrap naturally. Only use the [Enter] key after

completing a paragraph. Leave an empty line between paragraphs.
Note: While 500-700 word articles are optimal, articles between 400-1500
words will be accepted by most directories.
How To Write Articles That Will Be Loved By Your Target Market



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