Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

This popular daytime TV show episode tipped off the low carb craze and its unexpected weight gain side effects.

You know how everyone says that in order to lose weight you need to cut carbs? Well there’s sometruth to that. It’s just not what you think.

Very few experts take the time to explain it. Which is why when you follow a normal low carb diet it can actually slow your weight loss metabolism, and cause devastating cravings and binges.

Listen: carbohydrate foods are basically sugar. Even healthy carbohydrates turn to sugar in your body. That’s why so many diet experts say in order to lose weight you need to cut carbs. Because foods that turn into sugar aren’t the best things for you. Right?

However a lot of experts tell you to go “cold turkey” and cut ALL your carbs ALL the time.

While that sounds really good on paper it’s NOT actually the best way to lose weight…

Because eating those carbohydrate foods — even the ones that everyone says are bad for you — is actually the secret to losing weight.

However, it only works IF you do it at the right time. Which you’ll understand in just a minute…

You see, in my 15+ years of experience as the owner of the most successful nutrition coaching practice in San Francisco, I have perfected a unique nutrition secret that tricks your body into burning fat like you are on a 24-hour low carb diet when you’re not.

I’ve taught these revolutionary methods to thousands of men and women around the world who have successfully lost the weight and kept it off permanently. And it all starts with the 3 steps below.

However, before you read another word I want to give you fair warning. The strategies you are about to discover can’t be found in any of the fitness magazines. In fact they may be the exact opposite to what you’ve heard or even believed about weight loss nutrition.

These 3 steps reveal the carb CONTROVERSIES you must avoid if you want to burn fat like you’re on a low carb diet when you’re not…

And now that you know the real REASON your struggle to lose weight by cutting carbs is not entirely your fault let’s dive into the solution — exactly what carb-rich foods to eat and when to just lose weight without the fancy diet rules…

Carb Controversy #1

Avoid Carbs During Your Fat-Burning Magic Time

I used to believe a big breakfast was the most important meal of the day. And that I needed to fuel my day with carbs like organic cereal, bagels and oatmeal…

This is your MAGIC

However my research revealed that eating even these so-called healthy carbohydrates in the morning actually traps you in the a vicious cycle of cravings AND shuts down a powerful morning surge of natural fat-burning hormones…

Listen: The first few hours after you wake up is your fat-burning magic time.

However, remember that ALL carbs turn to sugar in your body. And sugar causes a spike in a hormone called insulin. […This can be a good thing at the right time, as you’ll see in tip #3…]

Yet in the morning insulin is like the off switch that shuts off your morning fat burning hormones and instantly puts your cells into fat-storing mode…

And guess what… as soon as your insulin drops again you will be craving another carb hit…

Don’t worry though… you do NOT have to be low carb all day as you will see in a minute…

Carb Controversy #2

Forget Whole Grains

Listen: to burn maximum fat I want you to forget about “whole grains” and instead enjoy a nice bowl of sticky and delicious white rice…

Poisons in whole grains actually
cause fat-forming, health-harming
inflammation in your body

I know you’ve probably been told to choose whole grain or “brown” versions of carbohydrates… and to never eat “white” carbs…

Yet here is why that is not even close to the truth. First, the whole grain versions of any grain contain a “micro-poison” called lectin that is eliminated through turning it into a “white” carb. And those lectins can actually cause fat-forming, health-harming inflammation in your body…

More importantly: white rice is absorbed and used quickly in your body. That means your insulin is rapidly spiked and then quickly returns to low levels so you can effortlessly slip back into fat burning mode.

However whole-grain carbs TRAP you in fat-storing mode for hours because they get released slowly and keep your insulin high for too long.

Remember though, it’s all about the timing…

Eat your white carbs at the wrong time and you’ll actually suffer nagging hunger, brain fog, binging, weight loss plateaus, rebound weight gain, and even serious health problems like pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome…

However I reveal exactly when to eat them next so keep reading…

Carb Controversy #3

Eat All Your Carbs When They Tell You Not To

Ready for it? I want you to eat all your carb-rich foods at night…

Yes… Eat ALL of them exactly when they tell you not to… At night…

Eat All Your Carbs
When They Tell You Not To

It’s almost as if you’re going on a “diet” for half a day! Picture how easy it would be to diet for just half a day.

And doesn’t that make so much more sense? Because your ancestors spent the day foraging they “dieted” only half the day while they feasted at night.

Yes! Eating your carbs at night is scientifically proven to burn fat faster. I share one of the groundbreaking new studies on losing weight with nighttime carb eating on the next page

Imagine eating a rewarding meal around the family dinner table every night, and knowing that you’ll sleep like a baby and wake up the next morning in a perfect fat burning state…

All because you allowed yourself to enjoy a delicious and satisfying carb-rich evening meal…

By now you can see that you must be VERY STRATEGIC about your carbs. Eating the wrong carbs, in the wrong amounts, and at the wrong time is proven to cause the weight gain that made carbs the “bad guys” in the first place.

Yet cutting carbs or following typical low carb diets will sabotage your metabolism, inflame your cravings, and slow your weight loss to a crawl.

Over the past 15+ years as a nutrition coach I’ve perfected a flat belly system for men and women that I call the Half Day™ protocol that literally TRICKS your body into burning fat like it’s on a low carb diet without cutting yummy carbohydrates for even a single day.

That means no more cravings. No crazy hard-to-find diet foods. No cooking separate meals for you and your family. And NEVER even feeling like you’re on a “diet” again…

I explain exactly how the Half Day™ protocol works on the next page.

WAIT! Proceed With Caution

Before I share the details of the Half Day protocol with you on the next page, please take the time to make sure it’s for you. I’ve run across a few people who just couldn’t handle even these super-simple and very mild changes. For example…

  • If you’re addicted to the quick results of starving yourself or extreme dieting this is NOT for you (and watch out for the rebound weight gain)
  • If you think you require daily marathon cardio sessions to get the flat belly you desire this isn’t for you (you’re going to need a more extreme nutrition plan)
  • And If you can’t even hold off on eating carbs for half a day then this is definitely not for you.

However if you’re ready for a satisfying weight loss solution that safely eliminates your hunger and cravings while quickly allowing you to lose all the weight you want, without cutting carbs or your favorite treat foods, simply click on the Next Page button below.

On the very next page, I’ll let you in on the specifics of my Half Day System, and how you can get started within less than 10 minutes from now…

>>> Continue Reading On The Next Page

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